
Abiding Ministries is a Christian-based ministry where you can find resources that will help you cultivate an intimate walk with God. Through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection 2,000 years ago- the door was opened for mankind’s relationship to be restored with God, and this includes the ability to be able to commune with all three persons of the Godhead- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. When God spoke the creation into existence, He created man in His image and likeness- and because of this- when that image (which was marred by sin at the fall of the first man- Adam) gets restored through receiving Jesus Christ as one’s personal Savior and Lord- the ability to commune with God gets restored as well. But such an “abiding relationship” with God- has to be earnestly cultivated- in order for it to grow into all that it is possible for it to become. Helping people to make progress along the path of doing this- is what this ministry is all about. We hope that you will find the blog and other resources on this website- helpful toward a pursuit of this goal. To the extent that intimacy with God- has not become a dominant pursuit for the average believer yet in the Body of Christ- this ministry is at this stage- a “Forerunner” type of ministry- to help others see Jesus as their Bridegroom King, and to develop bride-like intimacy with Him- as they would truly Abide in Him.