Another True Story

I was flying a small plane just like this one- when the aircraft suddenly went into a tight spin. In this desperate situation- I then heard God’s voice speak and tell me exactly WHAT NOT to do- and it saved my life!! 


It was the day I had my “solo” flight. When I arrived at the airport for my flying lesson that day- the flight instructor told me that he wasn’t going with me this time- that I was ready to do it all alone. He told me to fly north of the airport a ways, and practice all of the maneuvers that I’d been taught to do. As I sought to follow his instructions, flying north- I began practicing my banking turns, normal stalls, and other things, and was just about to practice a “power-on stall”- where one tries to stall the plane with the engine on full speed- when just as I was about to pull back on the yoke to do it- an incredible fear came over me. I realized that something was wrong, and that I shouldn’t do what I was just planning to do, but at the same time- my twenty-three-year-old “macho-ness”- didn’t want to go back to the airport, and tell the instructor- that I was afraid to practice the power-on stall. 


I was sitting in the cockpit- wondering what to do next- when a “bright” idea- suddenly came to me. And I know in the aftermath of what subsequently happened- that it was a “bright” inspiration- directly from heaven!! I suddenly got the urge to take the plane up to 5,000 ft. To that day- flying with the flight instructor- we had never gone over 2,000 ft. in altitude- so I reasoned (by correct inspiration- “from above”)- that if anything was about to go wrong- that if it happened from a higher altitude- that this would give me some “saving grace.” I was then satisfied with that sudden inspiration- so I then took that small aircraft- up to 5,000 ft. 


I then pulled back on the yoke to do a power-on stall- when suddenly the plane turned completely upside down- on it’s back, then the nose of the plane plunged straight down, and the plane “dropped like a rock”- heading in a tight spin toward the mountain that was below. Like a new teenage driver of a car- trying to “fight the steering wheel” in “over-correcting” in learning how to drive straight- I frantically tried by turning the yoke right and left- to try to stop the plane from spiraling. After a short time- I finally succeeded in that, but now I was headed straight down for the mountain below me- with a loud screeching noise- as the plunging aircraft- picked up gravitational speed. 


I was just about to then suddenly pull back on the yoke- to pull the plane level again- when a loud “voice” spoke in the cockpit the clear words, “DON’T DO IT!!!” I was then also instantly aware with a thought coming suddenly to my mind- of exactly why I shouldn’t pull back too quickly on the yoke- which of course was my first initial reaction- to wanting to miss the mountain: I instantly remembered a recent ground-school classroom discussion- where the instructor said that the small horizontal ”stabilizer” wings on the back of the plane- weren’t designed to handle much stress at all, and a sudden vertical maneuver at high speed- could rip them off the plane, and then the plane couldn’t fly- and would then certainly crash. 


These audible voice words- along with the sudden inspiration of why I shouldn’t then pull back suddenly on the yoke- were the Lord Jesus Christ’s ”rhema” word to me- as I was about to confront possible sure death- once again- about seven years after the Grand Teton incident- that you heard about in the This Is a True Story episode I had earlier as a teenager. After His sudden intervention this time- in the cockpit of a trainer airplane- I pulled back on the yoke- slowly enough to prevent the horizontal stabilizers from ripping off the plane, and yet still fast enough– to just miss the mountain as the plane pulled out of the spin- quite low in altitude!! 


I can tell you- many years later- That I KNOW that Jesus Christ sits in heaven now- at the right-hand of God The Father- reigning over all of heaven and earth- and He SEES EVERYTHING. And in those critical moments of your life when you desperately need God’s help- He is there- watching you (from above)- knowing every detail about your situation, and your need. If He would then try to speak to you- either directly as He did to me, or through another person- as His personal “emissary”- would you incline your ear to listen? If your life is in a critical situation- whether it be on a climbing route on Grand Teton, or in a plane that’s about to crash- or even if you would be laid-up in a hospital bed- with some kind of serious illness- would you welcome His intervention in trying- in the nick-of-time- to save you- both physically, and spiritually? 


To ask the question more specifically- would you want to learn to hear His voice– so He could help you more– than how you’re currently experiencing Him? If so- this website- may be your ticket to not only hear Him- in the nick-of-time- (as I did- twice- years ago), but like me- in more recent times- as I’ve since become a Believer in Jesus Christ- I’m now pursuing an intimate- listening relationship– with a God- who so much wants to speak to me now as a Believer- that He went to the extreme measures that He did in these past episodes of my life- so that I could- at this time- walk with Him, and know Him intimately. 


And after hearing these two testimonies- the BALL is now in YOUR court- dear reader!! If you are at all curious- or even more now- anxious- to begin an intimate walk with the kind of Savior and Lord- that loves a person enough– to even be willing to supernaturally, and audibly “speak” to such a person- to save his life- in a very dire situation- then you might want to have a look at the “resource” documents- on the Resources Page of this website- that like this one- can help you get started on such an abiding walk with Him-  an even greater journey with Jesus Christ- for one who is already a believer in Him. 


And stay tuned to this website’s Blog- for more information on just how to truly “abide in Him”- through developing a “dining relationship” with Him, and for encouragement on doing this. 


And in case you’re now wondering if Jesus would want you to receive my two True Story testimonies- and now yourself respond, and see what He Himself would say to you- if you would now- just ask Him to begin to reveal Himself to you more in the days ahead- as you begin to seek Him earnestly– see what happened when a Samaritan woman gave her testimony about her personal encounter with Him- when she met Him at a drinking well- to others in her town- 2,000 years ago, and how He then responded to those- who heard her testimony, believed it, and then wanted to hear from Him personally: 


Now numerous Samaritans from that town believed in and trusted in Him because of what the woman said when she declared and testified, He told me everything that I ever did. So when the Samaritans arrived, they asked Him to remain with them, and He did stay there two days. Then many more believed in and adhered to and relied on Him because of His personal message [what He Himself said]. And they told the woman, Now we no longer believe (trust, have faith) just because of what YOU said; for we have heard Him ourselves [personally], and we know that He truly is the Savior of the world, the Christ. 

(The Bible- in the Gospel According To John 4:39-42, AMPC, emphasis added by the author) 


Like I said dear reader- the BALL is now in YOUR court!! Jesus is the Logos– the second person of the Triune God- who is the expression of the GodheadHe loves to speak to His people!! He is not only their Savior- but also their Bridegroom, and just like any human bridegroom- this means that He is ravished over His bride (His people), and wants intimate relationship with them. Just read the Song of Songs- (try The Passion Translation) and find this out. Q: But will they hear His knock on the door of their hearts, and answer? (Rev. 3:20) A: You’ve got to DINE WITH HIM- sufficiently- to first posture yourself to hear well! (Wait for the next Blog Post- that will talk about this.) 


Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified Bible 






About the author

I'm an avid pursuer of intimacy with Jesus Christ. I've been trying to spend quality time "dining with Jesus"- for over fourteen years now- on a daily basis, and I'm beginning to see just how rewarding and fruitful it is- to truly ABIDE IN CHRIST. Jesus said that this was the ONLY WAY- to bear much abundant fruit. So I want to continue to try to do this- for the rest of my life.