Easter Victory

Christ has Risen in Victory

Jesus was resurrected after His death on the Cross- on the third day, on Easter Sunday. Victory for mankind was forever won- for those who now put their trust in Him- to be their personal Savior and Lord. For those who do this- He is “the Way and the Truth and the Life.” (John 14:6 AMPC)


He is not only the way of salvation, and the source of Bible truth for us- but He is also our source of abundant life for this age, as well as our source of eternal life– both for now, and for the age to come. Receiving such wonderful treasure- is what the Kingdom of Heaven- coming to earth- is all about. Jesus- as the source of this- is truly the Pearl of Great Price, and the Treasure buried in a Field- that we are called to find. (Matthew 13:44-46 AMPC)


While every believer came to know Jesus as the Way- when they got saved, and most believers have been receiving Him as the Truth- as they dig into Scripture, and all believers also have discovered Him as the source of Eternal Life- there are many Christians who have not yet discovered Him- as the One who is also the source of Abundant Life- to the point that they really see Him as their everyday treasure– who is THEIR VERY LIFE– as they go about their daily walk. It is the view of this blog post’s author- that this aspect of the kingdom- discovering Jesus AS OUR VERY LIFE- can only be really achieved when we discover Him as our Bridegroom- who is so ravished over us- as we would become a true Shulamite that would seek after Him as our Beloved– that in such an intimate, devoted, communing walk with Him- He can then truly become OUR VERY LIFE.


I was attending a fellowship group in my locality a little over a year ago- when one evening a sister who has the seer gifting received an open vision. The Lord showed her the Tree of Life- the version of it that is in heaven- and she exclaimed that it was absolutely gorgeous!! But in the vision the Lord also showed her three believers: one was standing a little distance from the Tree- looking at it from there. Another was standing at the base of the Tree- looking up at it. While a third believer was up in the Tree of Life- sitting on one of its branches. The Lord then gave her a clear word to share with us in the fellowship group: that the only right place for us to be in relationship with Him- since He IS the Tree of Life- was to be where that third believer was- up in the Tree- sitting on one of its branches. That’s how close He wanted us to be to Him!!


Jesus wants us to be this close to Him- because His love is truly much better than even the best wine- that this earthly life can offer. (See Song of Songs 1:2  – emphasis added by the author)


Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified Bible



About the author

I'm an avid pursuer of intimacy with Jesus Christ. I've been trying to spend quality time "dining with Jesus"- for over fourteen years now- on a daily basis, and I'm beginning to see just how rewarding and fruitful it is- to truly ABIDE IN CHRIST. Jesus said that this was the ONLY WAY- to bear much abundant fruit. So I want to continue to try to do this- for the rest of my life.