Water Fountain

Dwell in the Well

For My people

have committed two

evils: they have forsaken

Me, the Fountain of living

waters, and they

have hewn for themselves

cisterns, broken

cisterns which cannot

hold water.

(Jeremiah 2:13; AMPC)

According to the Prophet Jeremiah- the people of Israel during the time of his life in that Old Testament time-period had done these two great sins against their God. And in the person of Jesus Christ- in whom the Old Testament prophecy is fulfilled in the New Testament era- Jesus then speaks- right before He went to The Cross- His final admonition to His disciples:



 (John 15:4a; AMPC, capitalization emphasis added by the author)


The above verse of scripture in John 15- is truly  the  “Holy of Holies” of the whole Bible- because it speaks of dwelling in the One who is the true “well”- the Fountain of Living Waters- which Jeremiah the prophet had spoken about centuries earlier, and it is clear that in mentioning this as His final word to His disciples before going to The Cross- that Jesus was saying- in this admonition that He then gave- that dwelling was crucially important, and must not at all be overlooked by His future Church. Indeed, one would only surmise that right before going to the Cross- giving His very last words to His disciples- that Jesus would tell them what was the most important thing- that they would have to keep in mind- once He departed. So this verse- is worth putting ones whole effort into meditating upon- over and over again until the full revelation of its meaning is revealed by Jesus Himself. And meditating on this verse- as you focus your heart on Jesus- abiding in Him as you do this- is in fact how to go about dwelling in the wellthe Fountain of Living Waters!!


And that’s why this little verse- is the “Holy of Holies” of the whole Bible- because it gets you past the “inner court” of the Temple- into the innermost sanctuary- where you can come to know Jesus “Face-to-face”- as your intimate Lord- not just knowing Him as The Way (the way of salvation), and as The Truth (after getting saved- having the truth of Scripture- to stand on God’s promises), but also as THE LIFE– (coming to know Jesus- as intimate Savior, intimate Lord, and intimate King- as your BRIDEGROOM- hearing His voice as you Abide in Him in your “secret place” in the ultimate fashion of abiding- communing with Him as you meditate on verses of the Bible- that focus on Him and get you into His Presence- to “practice His Presence.” And then as you walk with Him- carrying your “secret place” with you- wherever you go throughout your daily life- you will walk- just as Enoch and Noah in the Old Testament did- hearing His voice and “walking with God!!


Even you– if you’re a Believer who’s accustomed to just knowing Jesus as The Truth- having just the Written Word- can begin to do this- beginning in the fashion mentioned above- learning to hear His voice through meditating on scripture verses that focus specifically on Him (like John 15:4; AMPC)- having His Rhema Word as well as His Written Word- and coming to know Him as your intimate BRIDEGROOM- not just as Savior, Lord, and King. And then begin to walk with Him– right beside Him via His representative the Holy Spirit- “through the fields and vineyards” as depicted in the Song of Songs (an allegory of Jesus’ walk with His End Time Church)- “and lo,  I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Mt. 28:20; NKJV)- and the result will be that you’ll have much more of His life (coming to really know Him as THE LIFE– as He said in John 14:6; AMPC– “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.


And the way that you come to know Him as THE LIFE- is to Dwell in the Well, – meditate on Bible verses- that focus on Him– such as John 15:4; AMPC and then receive His LIVING WATERS- as you enter into the Holy of Holies, and come to experience Him- not only as The Way, and as The Truth- BUT AS THE LIFE!! Note what Jesus told a Samaritan woman about this issue of needing His Living Water- to have His very life – as He met her at Jacob’s Well in Samaria about 2,000 years ago:

If you only knew who I am and the gift that God wants to give you- you’d ask me for a drink, and I would give you living water. . . . If you drink from Jacob’s well you’ll be thirsty again and again, but if anyone drinks the living water I give them, they will never thirst again and will be forever satisfied! For when you drink the water I give you it becomes a gushing fountain of the Holy Spirit, springing up and flooding you with endless life!

(John 4:10,13-14; TPT)


And now go back and look at the photo at the top of this blog post- and see Jesus’ Living Waters- flowing from on high!! And note the smaller flow at the right side of the photo- signifying that His Living Water effervescently flows in the lives of believing children- as well as for believing adults- (the bigger effervescent, gushing fountain of Living Waters- on the left.)




For it’s where Jesus will become your VERY LIFE: In Revelation Chapter 1 when the Apostle John was “in the Spirit” on the Lord’s Day- “rapt in His power”- he saw Jesus as the Son of Man, and in the description that follows- it says that Jesus’ ‘voice was like the sound of many waters.’ (Rev. 1:15; AMPC) So when we come to know Jesus as our BRIDEGROOM- and we hear His voice– as we walk in daily communion with Him- His voice- is a means by which we can receive His Living Water– (remember the Jeremiah 2:13 scripture verse at the top of this blogpost: that Jesus- is the Fountain of Living Waters)- even as He had mentioned to the woman at Jacob’s well in John 4:10- that He would give her a drink of Living Water– if she’d ask Him.


Do you get it? The sound of Jesus’ VOICE (as we can hear it as we come to be His Experiential Bride, and come to know Him as our BRIDEGROOM- gives us LIVING WATER!!


And then Colossians 2:3 (TPT) becomes true for us- for it says, “for our spiritual wealth is in him, like hidden treasure waiting to be discoveredheaven’s wisdom and endless riches of revelation knowledge.” So again, as we “dwell in Him” and seek Him- we will find the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge- that He Himself provides- as He then in turn- “dwells in us!” And Psalm 91 says that- as we would Abide in Him- and “live our lives within the shadow of God Most High, our secret hiding place, we will always be shielded from harm– how then could evil prevail against us, or disease infect us?'” (Psalm 91: 9-10; TPT) This too- is receiving Jesus’ Living Waters– for those who dwell in Himnot hewing their own (broken) cisterns- that can’t provide adequately, but instead- come to Him to the Fountain of Living Waters– and we can then receive needed protection from Him.


Again, Jesus said to the woman at the well: “if anyone drinks the living water I give them, they will never thirst again and will be forever satisfied!” (John 4:14; TPT)


This is why it truly behooves us to become His End Time intimate Experiential Bride– and maybe even His End Time Bridal Partner as well (to partner with Him in bridal intercession and in bridal ministry)- as we come to know Him as our BRIDEGROOM learning to HEAR HIS VOICEstrongly– so we can drink from His rhema wordreceiving then His LIVING WATERS, and knowing Him- not just as The Way (the way of salvation), and as The Truth (having Bible Truth promises from Him to stand on), but also as THE LIFE (having with Bible Truth- being able to HEAR HIS VOICE- so that we can WALK IN COMMUNION WITH HIM– as His Experiential Bride)- for “HIS VOICE– is like the sound of many waters!!”  (Rev. 1:15; AMPC)- Even His LIVING WATERS– for which He is The Fountain!! (Jeremiah 2:13; AMPC)


About the author

I'm an avid pursuer of intimacy with Jesus Christ. I've been trying to spend quality time "dining with Jesus"- for over fourteen years now- on a daily basis, and I'm beginning to see just how rewarding and fruitful it is- to truly ABIDE IN CHRIST. Jesus said that this was the ONLY WAY- to bear much abundant fruit. So I want to continue to try to do this- for the rest of my life.