For the one who is staunchly determined not to compromise in putting Jesus first– as Mary of Bethany did- the Lord will extend His grace to give such a person adequate time in their schedule for this- no matter how busy they may be. Even if they only have a “widow’s mite” worth of time in their busy week for Him- as they would give Him all that they have of what free time they can muster up, and also cry out for more time in their week to just sit and “dine” with Him– as Mary of Bethany did- then Jesus as the Sovereign Lord over their circumstances- can create more time in their schedule for sitting at His feet at their Tent of Meeting- to meet with Him in the Secret Place.
The heart of a true bride for Jesus, a devoted heart that will receive the Lord Jesus’ grace to not be encumbered by busyness- in order to be able to spend much time seeking Him– with a true bride-like poise toward Him- is something that ravishes the Lord’s heart. Put on your favorite devotional worship song, and listen to it, and let your heart savor being very close to Jesus, and as you make this kind of response to Him- your daily food– He will hear your true heart’s cry for more time in your schedule- to be with Him in a quality way. And as you wait for Him to work on this- He will even move mountains- to allow it to happen- as this reflects His Bridegroom heart toward you.
Such a true bride-like response- to His heart toward you- as your Bridegroom- who wants you to fulfill your full destiny in Him- as His Bridal Partner– is a sweet smelling fragrance before His throne. And “setting your heart” to have this kind of whole-hearted response- to want to “run after His heart”- is the way to begin to get on this path. As you in this fashion- consecrate yourself to Him- even by repeatedly singing your favorite devotional worship songs to Him- with words coming out of your heart to Him (and you may need to do this over a period of time)- He will surely take notice as you seek to take such a Bridal Partner stance.
After one goes through a season- which may even be a prolonged season of pursuing Jesus “in the garden”- where one pours out their heart to Him- to bring them into a really intimate walk with Him- and the Lord is satisfied that a true bride-like heart is forming within the believer, He may then very well lead you to begin to sow seed in prayer- for the next stage- the “reigning with the Bridegroom” stage- where one begins to “skip over the mountains” with Him- walking in bridal ministry with Him. This final stage in the “becoming an overcoming bride” process- should inspire you to want to first get through the “garden” stage- to then be able to “walk in vital union with Him”- with such a devoted bride-like heart toward Him– to then be able to run with Him in bridal ministry– hearing His voice by now- clearly- able to obey His very commands, and doing whatever He tells you to do- wherever He tells you to go, and saying whatever He gives you to say. Carrying your Secret Place of devotion that you had gained in the “garden” stage- around with you wherever you go- moment by moment as you now “dine with Him” on the run- communing with Him as you walk with Him– through the fields and vineyards- doing His works, (and maybe even greater works with Him)- as His intimate, devoted Bridal Partner- who will seek not ministry or kingdom first- but Him first– as your first love, pure and simple devotion, treasure, and primary reward!!